I’m a PhD graduate, founder of Happy Stroke Publishing, and host of Next Door Talks. My work combines storytelling, education, and a passion for connecting with others.


I don’t remember much about when I was born, except that I was loved. I have a terrible memory, so my childhood is mostly a blur—just a few snapshots of school, my neighborhood, and a friend I used to hang out with. But I do remember being scared a lot, which made me a pretty quiet kid who stayed out of trouble.


When I was seven, we moved to a new neighborhood and a new school. That’s when I started to come into my own. I was part of a group and, at times, even felt like a leader. I was one of the top students but also got into my fair share of fights—and won some of them too. By the end of elementary school, I had lost all my friends and entered junior high with a fresh slate and new resolutions.


I always felt like I grew up too soon. By thirteen, I was acting like an adult—serious, focused, and steadfast in my values. I tried to be the perfect daughter, sister, and student on the surface, but beneath that was a world of complicated emotions and challenging relationships. Despite this, I met some incredible people during my teenage years who shaped who I am today. If you’re one of them reading this—thank you for being part of such a pivotal time in my life.


The five years after high school were all about healing from rough experiences, playing basketball, listening to rock music, attending summer camps, studying, and finding solace in solitude. It was also the time I met my forever best friend and partner, TJ. Marriage is no small feat; it requires knowing yourself, understanding what you want and what you can’t have, and balancing what you can give with what you need for yourself.


One of the toughest moments of my life was not getting into med school back in 2008. I had built my whole plan around that, and when it didn’t happen, I had to figure out a new path. I decided to follow in my parents’ footsteps and aim for teaching. The first couple of years of my PhD were a juggling act—teaching, working at a coworking space, writing papers, being in a relationship, and still managing to be broke. But then I got a scholarship for a PhD at the Sorbonne in France.


When I landed in Paris, I was starving. I had just enough money for a week and had to wait for my scholarship to come through. The lab I joined was the best place I could dream of being at the time. We were a diverse group of candidates from all around the world, and we had amazing conversations about inclusion, racism, religion, war, and change. And, of course, we still had time to talk about research and the unique challenges of being a PhD student. We weren’t just friends; we were each other’s family, far from home.


When I returned from France, I found out I was going to be a mom. Shortly after, TJ and I moved to Dubai. The first year was tough—feeling alone, overwhelmed with research papers, and managing the huge responsibility of a new baby. Then I came across a simple yet life-changing piece of advice: “Take it one day at a time.” And that’s exactly what I did. Slowly, things got better. The next few years in Dubai brought amazing friendships, new experiences, a lot of personal growth, and a new addition to our family.

It was during this time that the seeds for Happy Stroke Publishing and Next Door Talks were planted.


During the COVID lockdown, I struggled to get Noor to sleep because she was never tired enough. So, I began crafting bedtime stories for her to help wind her down. I wrote one them and shared it with my good friend and children’s book illustrator, Asma, who insisted I turn it into a book. That’s how the idea for Happy Stroke Publishing was born.


Around the same time, I reconnected with a friend I had met during a trip to India in 2016. We were casually brainstorming ideas, and he invited me to create a podcast series for one of his projects. I drafted a full proposal with potential guests, themes, and questions. Just preparing for the podcast filled me with excitement and joy. I had to pass on his offer for other reasons, but the experience planted the seed that would grow into Next Door Talks.


Both projects were put on hold when we planned to move from Dubai to Doha, but life had other ideas and brought me and the kids back home instead. I was initially excited about raising the kids in Morocco, but those eight months turned out to be the toughest of my life. When TJ completed his mission and came back from Qatar, we finally settled into our own place, and decided, after years of nonstop hustle, to take a breather and relax for a bit. Six months later, TJ moved to Saudi Arabia again. But this time, I was in a much better place, and managing everything on my own wasn’t as difficult as before.


Last year was, without a doubt, the year I had to hit pause and rebuild myself from the ground up. I went into therapy, started boxing, went through a dozen medical checkups, fixed my teeth, hurt my back, healed it, then hurt it again. Through it all, I worked every day to lay the foundation for Happy Stroke Publishing and Next Door Talks.

Looking back, I can see that life has taken me on quite the journey, and every step has brought me to where I am today. From navigating school challenges to starting over in new cities and riding the highs and lows of family life, I’ve learned to embrace change, find strength in resilience, and create something meaningful out of every experience.

Now, with Happy Stroke Publishing and Next Door Talks, I’m excited to share my passion for storytelling and connect with others in a way that feels authentic and true to who I am. The journey is far from over, and I’m ready for whatever comes next.